Checkmate / SPC Demensional Gaging Software
From simple single-step gages to complex in-line automatic gages, CheckMate provides a complete, computerized gaging solution. Coupled with the optional CheckMate Studio, CheckMate is a powefull tool for creating virtually any gaging application

Checkmate / SPC

Checkmate Gaging Software

User Interface
From simple single-step gages to complex in-line automatic gages, CheckMate provides a complete, computerized gaging solution. Coupled with the optional CheckMate Studio, CheckMate is a powefull tool for creating virtually any gaging applicatio

CheckMate Studio is the tool used to develop gaging applications. The programmer provides information in spreadsheet form to define the characteristics being measured and the hardware configuration (digital I/O points, transducer information, etc...). Multiple screens can be designed, incorporating bitmaps and display objects, to present the measurement results. If necessary, the programmer can write code to perform complex operations in response to different events. The code development environment is built into CheckMate Studio, making program development fast and efficient.

The AGL (Advanced Gaging Language) programming language in CheckMate is a structured Basic-like language the is simple, yet powerful. Even the most complex data acquisition and control problems can be readily solved using CheckMate's advanced, event-driven programming model.

  • • User-configurable calibration sentry automatically alerts the operator when it is time to calibrate the gage.

  • • Measurement information is maintained in an easily accessible Microsft Access format.

  • • Screen designs can include measurment displays (color-coded for accept, approach, and refect conditions) and message displays that are easily controlled from the AGL programming language.

  • • User definable functions (up to 12) that are initiated through function keys.

  • • Suitable for simple single-step gages, through complex interactive multi-step and automatic gages.

  • • The operator can be locked-out of the operating system, effectively preventing tampering with the host computer.

  • • Live I/O diagnostic screen to assist in troubleshooting and maintainence.

  • • Live transducer setup screen to assist in adjustments, troubleshooting and maintainence.

  • • Program menu to allow for the selection of an entry from a list of registered programs.

  • • This allows one instrument to be shared among multiple gages.

  • • Quick printed reports organized by feature measured or by part.

  • • Built in R&R capability.

  • • Interfaces with GageTalker's Visual SPC package,DataMyte's Quantum SPC package, and Q-Das's Q-Stat pacage, for statistical analysis.

  • • Optional CheckMate SPC package the familiar user friendly CheckMate interface for quick data analysis at the gage.